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birthday weekend

Saturday I went to this show/concert/house party. A few bands were playing, most I didnt care about but Sandman was going to be the last show of the night so I was super excited to see him play- its been a good year since I caught him passing through.

So I was there at about 7 and started drinking fairly strong, planning to cut off early as well so that I could drive home. Anyways, there must of been 150 people there and lots of craziness.

Sandman showed up about half way through the other bands and hung out down stairs where I proceeded to tell him that I wanted to bear 11 children with him. He wasnt very surprized or frightened, so this must happen often to him. But anyways, so the girl that played right befor Sandman freaked out on all the drunk moshing punks (duh what did you expect a row of stadium seats and quiet, calm, well mannered punks??)

anyways.. so sandman wanted to play outside instead where there were less passed out drunks and less smoke. Only about 20 of us followed him out there as the rest were busy pukeing fucking or otherwise partying.. with no intrest for the cowboys songs.

It ended up being the coolest thing ever though- it musta been 2am by this time.. really cold, so he had grabbed this indian cowboy type blanket and wrapped in it to play. Had his low top cowboy hat on and boots of corse. So we just sat around the fire and he played guitar and sang and it was such a small group so we were all singing along and it was simply the best show that ended up not being a show that I have ever ever been to.

Soon it was done and Neb and I helped him load his stuff up - he was putting things away sayign - this goes here and this goes here.. and then he takes his sougan and says.. and thisis for you. I hugged him way too much and told him I was madly in love with him and would cherish it forever- again, im sure he gets that often from girls at shows. And then away he drove.

It was a pretty damn cool night.

Leave me a NOTE :)

Apr. 30, 2007

"Om Mani Padme Hum"

"Experience is a hard teacher - she gives you the test before the lesson."

"Be who you are and say what you feel because people who mind dont matter and people who matter dont mind."

"A smooth sea never made a skilled mariner"

"Do not look where you fell, but where you slipped."

"One must know that there is a path at the end of the road."

"Knowledge without courage is sterile."

"Do not injure what you can not kill."

"Life is short you say?- It is the longest thing we ever do."

"All victory breeds hate."

"Animosity does not eradiacate animosity"

"There is a difference between knowing the path, and walking the path."

"Time is what prevents everything from happening at once."

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