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So, thinking again yesturday as I listened to Willie Nelson... about how many of the songs cut inside me and connect me to feelings of my past. I have, mostly out of bore-dum... compiled a list of some of my favorites and where I am when I hear them.

Blue Eyes Crying in the Rain

Makes me think of Todd. How I turned my back and ran away. And how I will always wish I could go back and undo so much.

On the Road Again

Makes me think of all the trips made "mostly" from mn to ca back and forth over the years with various people, how much those memories stand out due to their life changing nature.. The journey to a new life, every little moment in a drive like that is memorable

Georgia on My Mind

Again, Todd,- reminds me of how lonely it is to try to move on in life when you will always be in love with a memory.

Always on My Mind

Derek. My ex husband. I think I will always wonder if I had just done this or that, loved him more, showed it more... Something may have been different.. I think that natural to feel that way after so many years together that ended in divorce.

Forgiving You Was Easy

Yet again todd, as with so many songs, due to my explosive relationship with him being the single most wonderful and then the most aweful time in my life. But this song more so how I imagine his side to be.

Angel Flying Too Close to the Ground

Oddly enough, this one makes me think of myself and how often I must nurse myself back up just to abandon all I have learned and leave myself again. Not stateing I have multiple personalities, but sometimes it feels like that. There is the side of me that is wanting so much to be this... And then theres the destructive side to me. I suppose in that sense the higher self in me feels abandoned when I screw things up. Even though I know I will be there to help myself back up the next time.

The Last Thing I Needed First Thing This Morning

Jenni, if that can make any sense. She was such an important part of my existence, and all that was keeping me going for so long. When she moved out and our friendship grew apart.. I felt I had been left. Its selfish to blame someone for not being what you need them to be. But this song still makes me think of that time in my life.

Leave me a NOTE :)

Oct. 04, 2006

"Om Mani Padme Hum"

"Experience is a hard teacher - she gives you the test before the lesson."

"Be who you are and say what you feel because people who mind dont matter and people who matter dont mind."

"A smooth sea never made a skilled mariner"

"Do not look where you fell, but where you slipped."

"One must know that there is a path at the end of the road."

"Knowledge without courage is sterile."

"Do not injure what you can not kill."

"Life is short you say?- It is the longest thing we ever do."

"All victory breeds hate."

"Animosity does not eradiacate animosity"

"There is a difference between knowing the path, and walking the path."

"Time is what prevents everything from happening at once."

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