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horseplay bad

So, there we were, sittin round the luncheon table in the office, Jen, myself and another officer we will call Dennis. Jenni tells Dennis that he needs to take some photos of a camel down in one of the docks. Well, he doesn't believe her at first and gives a "what?" But through both our diligent efforts Jen and I convince him that there is a huge inflatable camel that one of the departments brought in for a christmas party- one like the inflatable bulls people can rent for partys and ride. Except this one is a camel for christmas- ya know the wise men story. And our employer wants pictures taken so that they can give the pictures to safety as it is an insurance risk.

Our story just kept evolving as we went until we had him completely convinced. Then to finalize the joke we told him to go talk to our boss for the rest of the details. Because this would be funny when he walked up to our boss and asked him about a blow up camel.

Ok, enter the problem with said prank; our regional supervisor shows up today. And happens to walk into the office right after this joke was laid out. And happens to be walking with our boss. And so Dennis runs up to our boss, right in front of our regional, and asks him about the camel.

Jen and I lost it and busted up laughing, jen spit water across the table and Dennis, as well as our boss, looked like huge asses in front of the regional! Jen and I got the "wtf is wrong with you - when he leaves come to my office to discuss your behavior" look from our immediate boss. ugggg. Horseplay is unacceptable - at least in FRONT of the big bosses. And we made our site boss look like a dumbass. Fuck. And jen spit water out her nose across the table in front of him and I nearly pissed myself- and all due to poor timing of an otherwise harmless prank. So... we shall see what sort of reprimands the afternoon holds.

Leave me a NOTE :)

Dec. 17, 2005

"Om Mani Padme Hum"

"Experience is a hard teacher - she gives you the test before the lesson."

"Be who you are and say what you feel because people who mind dont matter and people who matter dont mind."

"A smooth sea never made a skilled mariner"

"Do not look where you fell, but where you slipped."

"One must know that there is a path at the end of the road."

"Knowledge without courage is sterile."

"Do not injure what you can not kill."

"Life is short you say?- It is the longest thing we ever do."

"All victory breeds hate."

"Animosity does not eradiacate animosity"

"There is a difference between knowing the path, and walking the path."

"Time is what prevents everything from happening at once."

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