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Fuck Sticks

I have just HAD it with the fucking people in this fucking world! Unbelievable amounts of horse shit flow through the tiny brains of all those in charge of anything and everything!

For 40 -some or so fucking years this town has had what is affectionately known as the Duck Derby. This is where all the little children and their parents go down to the river during fair time and everyone buys for a buck these cute little numbered plastic ducks. Now, the ducks are dropped into the water and downstream a bit the winning ducky gets a prize- its not much as the majority of the money is used to help finance the free fair this county has each year- that's right through the help of folks with fun little things like this our county fair has no admission fee.

Now, I have very fond memories of the Duck Derby from my childhood as I am sure many in this area do. However, the fuck sticks in charge have buckled from a minor amount of pressure applied by ever worse fuck sticks in the community and decided to cancel the Duck Derby as it goes against Minnesota gambling laws! You fucking idiots. AGGGGGGG!!!!!!!

This is ludicrous to me! Ok ok, lets pretend that gambling in any form is evil and bad and all that. This whole thing is still absurd! All they are doing is ruining this fucking world by taking away something so innocent and fun for the children. Even if you take away EVERYTHING that people gamble on- they will just find something else! The human animal is competitive- just by nature- it is ingrained in us at a genetic level. We had to be competitive in our more primitive forms to get the food, shelter and mates. It is just how it is. If all these things are gone- people will just gamble of more and more everyday things- they will have to bet on the weather for the next day- what are the powers that be gonna construct a huge dome around the fucking planet so that they can control the weather in an attempt to stop gambling- Ok fine then we will gamble on who in our cage has the next bowel movement- although I suppose that they could begin enforced hourly enemas so that we cant gamble on that either!!!!!! AGGGG !!!! I fucking hate people.

Perhaps I should gather up some folks and find the warehouse these ducks have been locked up in, break in, steal all the duckys and free them in the river! Fuck sticks!!!!1

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Jun. 29, 2004

"Om Mani Padme Hum"

"Experience is a hard teacher - she gives you the test before the lesson."

"Be who you are and say what you feel because people who mind dont matter and people who matter dont mind."

"A smooth sea never made a skilled mariner"

"Do not look where you fell, but where you slipped."

"One must know that there is a path at the end of the road."

"Knowledge without courage is sterile."

"Do not injure what you can not kill."

"Life is short you say?- It is the longest thing we ever do."

"All victory breeds hate."

"Animosity does not eradiacate animosity"

"There is a difference between knowing the path, and walking the path."

"Time is what prevents everything from happening at once."

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