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progress update

So, here I am. It was an awfully long weekend. The end is in sight. Our little weekend project, through various setbacks and dilemmas, has turned into a week long (if I am lucky) project.

Friday night we knocked the wall down! YAYAYAYA. and then the lights went out! nononono By midnight Derek had the power working again. But the phones were still out. So, off to bed we went.

Saturday, Derek got the phone working again, but in the process, he fell through the ceiling! So, we now had a HUGE hole in the drywall of the ceiling- not to mention its one of those awful textured ceilings. Derek was not hurt by the way. So, we started drywall mudding the 5 inch strip on each side up and down the walls due to the wall being gone. Then Derek tackled the ceiling drywall mud. My uncle Tim works in drywall so he stopped by in the afternoon only to laugh and laugh and laugh. He then spent about 2 hours re-doing our work. Now the walls look like walls instead of a bumpy handmade coffee cup- made by an 8 year old.

Then Sunday morn we got up and pulled all the carpet out. Derek worked on sanding the floor and I worked on priming all the trim and doors. Then we went to menards to see about flooring and getting some spray on crap for the texture on the ceiling.

At menards we had a huge fight. 3rd day of working together was getting tense. While we both agreed that we wanted wood flooring, Derek wanted to do something cheaper for right now and then when the tax money gets in we would go for the wood. So, he wanted us to spend 200 on linoleum, then in 6 months or so haul everything back out and spend the 500 on wood! Seemed a bit silly to waste all that time, work and the 200 bucks. Finally he gave in and we got the wood. Granted we will be eating ramin noodles for a couple weeks because of it. But its gonna look great!

Monday we painted, and we painted, and we painted. The ceiling needed several coats, the walls got 2. The room is about 300 sq feet. We went with this orangeish red color on the ceiling, butter nut yellow on the walls and then bright red for the trim!!!! Yes its a rabid room! Oh but you should see the sun dance off the colors in the afternoon. I will post pics when its all done- but I forgot to take before ones!

Tonight, a friend is coming over to help Derek with the floor. I am going to get another coat on all the trim and furniture- oh, I painted the bookcases, table and chairs to match the room better. I am also gonna work on the window treatments. Hopefully tomorrow night we can get the furn moved back in. Then there will be lots of little things to do over the rest of the week and weekend. Light switch panels to paint, ceiling fan blades must match, got to find new rugs..ect..ect...and then, when the room is all done- the house is a fricking wreck- as is the yard. There is drywall dust everywhere. But, I will have the coolest room! So, its all worth it.

The only project injuries we have accumulated are small bruises, scratches and cuts. Then there are the sore muscles and joints. Oh and I sat on a sundial! Ya know, round thing with a big spike in the middleish. Ya, ass is still very tender! But I have been sitting on it again. Anyhoo...

My computer is still in a pile on the floor, thus I am at work trying to get caught up on all the diarys I have missed reading lately! I shall be back sooon! I have missed everyone here!

Leave me a NOTE :)

Apr. 06, 2004

"Om Mani Padme Hum"

"Experience is a hard teacher - she gives you the test before the lesson."

"Be who you are and say what you feel because people who mind dont matter and people who matter dont mind."

"A smooth sea never made a skilled mariner"

"Do not look where you fell, but where you slipped."

"One must know that there is a path at the end of the road."

"Knowledge without courage is sterile."

"Do not injure what you can not kill."

"Life is short you say?- It is the longest thing we ever do."

"All victory breeds hate."

"Animosity does not eradiacate animosity"

"There is a difference between knowing the path, and walking the path."

"Time is what prevents everything from happening at once."

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