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another rescue

Dereks side of the family is so very trashy. His one aunt in particular. She is not so right in the head and has 3 children with the same problems. Their house is a poster for white trash. Filthy, falling apart, smelly. Derek goes down there and works on stuff when it breaks as everyone in the family tries to help them out. I had never actually been in the house until last night! Good god the woman doesnt even work. How can your house be that filthy if you dont even have a job?!! It was aweful.

TO get to the point of the story, I went down in the basement and found this 10gal aquarium. SO I looked in it. FUCKIN A . There was this box turtle in with a rabbit. The tank was FULL of shit- I mean I couldnt tell you what kind of litter they had in there as there was only shit visible. There was no water! No heat light! No light for that matter! And a head of wilty nasty letus thrown in- not even chopped up just threw the whole head in. And turtles arent even supposed to have reg head lettus. GIves em the runs- if they eat it at all. They need like romain....but anyhow.

THe rabbit seemed in fair health considering but they need so much less specific care. The turtle however was in sorry shape. I took him out and cleaned all the rabbit shit from his legs and shell. Then I held him over a work lamp my hub was useing for lighting. His shell is ruined- thin, brittle, layers splitting, terraces. His tail is black and hard and rotted. He has mites. Half his nose area is rotted off like maybe the rabbit bit him. Terribly dehydrated and very thin.

Of corse I got pissed off and started crying because seeing that sort of slow painful torture in a helpless animal does that to me. I dont fricking understand people. I know it was the kids but why didnt their mother check on it once a month or so!!! HOrrid. I took it! I went upstairs and said I am takeing this turtle- its almost dead. THere was some protest from the youngest child. I said that if I had to leave it there I would kill it first so that it didnt have to suffer any more.

I also told them the rabbits feet would rot off soon from the shit. And their kittens clearly have worms! I cant believe you dont need some sort of a pass to be allowed to have pets!

THen on the drive home they live about 1 hour away. Two cats and one rabbit ran in front of my car at different points in the trip. I missed all of them. That was weird.

So the turtle recieved a much needed bath. Then I set up a tank for him. Fed him some emergency reptile mash. I left him with some peeled grapes and water for the day. After work I will stop to get proper veggies. It was just so late last night. I hope he recovers. Hes very nice actually- or too weak to bite. He had all this hair- from the rabbit- stuck to his dry scabby skin so I pulled it off his face so he could see and he didnt bite.

Anyways...I think thats enough rambling. good day!

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"Om Mani Padme Hum"

"Experience is a hard teacher - she gives you the test before the lesson."

"Be who you are and say what you feel because people who mind dont matter and people who matter dont mind."

"A smooth sea never made a skilled mariner"

"Do not look where you fell, but where you slipped."

"One must know that there is a path at the end of the road."

"Knowledge without courage is sterile."

"Do not injure what you can not kill."

"Life is short you say?- It is the longest thing we ever do."

"All victory breeds hate."

"Animosity does not eradiacate animosity"

"There is a difference between knowing the path, and walking the path."

"Time is what prevents everything from happening at once."

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